DNV type approved isolation tools provide leak-tight double block and bleed isolation that enables safe and efficient maintenance and repair of onshore, topsides and subsea pipeline infrastructure.

Our Process Plant Solutions offer hot-work barriers and localised hydrostatic weld test tools to verifying the integrity of welds or fittings, reducing system downtime, minimising environmental impact and increasing worksite safety. Mechanical pipe connectors replace the need for welding, significantly reducing expenditure and associated risks with hot-work.

A History of Excellence

We have gained an excellent reputation for providing a responsive, client-centred approach combined with expertise and innovative products which:

Drive higher levels of safety in the industry

Enhance environmental performance by reducing flaring and venting activities

Improve asset performance while reducing system or plant downtime

Support the industry transition to a low carbon future

Project management and engineering services are provided to support client needs including turnaround scopes, feasibility studies and contingency planning. Our in-house expertise extends over the entire lifecycle of hydrocarbon assets from construction, maintenance, asset life extension, through to decommissioning and on to hydrogen transportation, carbon capture and storage.

We provide high quality, fit-for-purpose solutions to ensure that the pipework and pipeline infrastructure of our clients meet the technical, safety and environmental standards required.

Headquartered in Aberdeen, Scotland, we operate globally through a growing network of operational bases, branch offices and partners.

Our Vision

To provide Specialist Tools and Technology Services for a SAFER energy industry

Our Values

TEAMWORK - We value the collective effort

We’re one global team

We all have a role to play

We listen to each other

RESPECT - We demonstrate integrity in all we do

We’re open, honest and fair

We play by the rules

We do the right thing

DELIVERY - We commit to reliable delivery

We're responsive to our clients’ needs

We understand commitment

We deliver on time

INNOVATION - We encourage questioning minds

We learn by asking questions

We make time to find safe, reliable solutions

We celebrate efficient innovation

Executive Committee

Stephen Rawlinson

Stephen Rawlinson

Chief Executive Officer

Steven Byers

Steven Byers

Chief Operations Officer

Ross Wallace

Ross Wallace

Finance Director

Angus Bowie

Angus Bowie

Chief Technology Officer


Vikas Shangari

Global Sales Director

Doug Krokosz

Doug Krokosz

Engineering Director

Derek Smart

Derek Smart

Director, QHSE & HR

Kei Bryher Rush

Kei Bryher Rush

Business Development Director

George Takagi

George Takagi

Chief Strategy & Administration Officer

Non-Executive Directors

Leigh Howarth

Leigh Howarth

Non-Executive Director

Kenichi Mizutani

Kenichi Mizutani

Non-Executive Director

Toshiyuki Tezuka

Toshiyuki Tezuka

Non-Executive Director

Yuji Yoshimura

Yuji Yoshimura

Non-Executive Director

Corporate Responsibility

We seek to demonstrate honesty and integrity in everything that we do. We have an excellent reputation for conducting all our business in accordance with the highest standard of ethical conduct. We are rightly proud of this reputation believing good business is undertaken with honesty and in full and transparent compliance with the relevant laws and regulations.


Our business is built on our core values which allow us to deliver our vision. We’re committed to conducting our business in a respectful, socially responsible and ethical manner. We comply with the laws that apply to us, support global commitments on human rights, seek to protect the environment and support the communities where we live and work.

Safe & Healthy

We are committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for our employees, our communities, and visitors to our premises. We’re equally committed to preventing harm to the environment from our operational activities. We have adopted the (IOGP) Life-Saving Rules. The Life-Saving Rules aim to help with industry standardisation and learning to eliminate fatalities within the workplace. 

View our Life Saving Rules


We are committed to providing an open and honest working environment. We commit to ensuring our employees, suppliers, clients, communities and other stakeholders are treated with respect and consideration. We are proud of the diversity our employees represent and strive to treat everyone fairly and with respect. We are committed to providing a working environment free from harassment and intimidation and to provide a positive influence on the communities where we operate.

External Relationships

We reject all forms of bribery or corruption. We seek honest, open relationships with all of our business partners. We have a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption.


At STATS Group, we’re all responsible for compliance with the laws and regulations that apply to us, wherever we operate.

Speak Up

We encourage our employees, and those involved with our business to “speak up” should they have concerns about unethical behaviours or activities within STATS. This includes activities that are in any way related to us or our employees, clients, suppliers or other stakeholders.

Human Rights

Respect for human rights is fundamental to STATS Group values of honesty, integrity and respect for people. We want to make a positive impact and help to support vulnerable groups in society. We aim to prevent opportunities for modern slavery to occur within our businesses or supply chains.

View our Modern Slavery Policy


We are committed to incorporating sustainability into our core activities to assess and measure our social and environmental impact. Setting targets that will create positive changes while maintaining a sustainable business with purpose, for the benefit of people and the planet. 

We have aligned our sustainability strategy with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs are a collection of 17 interlinked global goals designed to provide a framework for action to create a better and more sustainable future for all.

For more details read our Sustainability Strategy or view our Sustainability Report. 

We understand the need to decarbonise and move towards becoming a more sustainable business and that’s why we are working hard to be net-zero by 2045 or sooner.

Download our latest sustainability report.

Repair & Maintenance
Large pipeline sections and process plant modules are vented in order to facilitate valve and pipe maintenance.

Our temporary isolation tools minimise this requirement by providing safe, local isolation where incumbent valves are not available. If suitable isolation valves are not available, which is often the case, then the entire pipeline needs to be depressurised, potentially venting and flaring gas into the atmosphere.

Double block, temporary pipeline isolation tools can be used to safely isolate the pressurised pipeline without having to depressurise the entire pipeline.

This approach avoids the discharge of significant quantities of harmful emissions into the atmosphere.


We actively manage compliance throughout our group in all jurisdictions that we operate.

Anti-Money Laundering

We seek to ensure we comply in all respects with all applicable legislations in the jurisdictions where we operate in with regard to Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds. We seek to validate our existing, new client and supplier relationships to promote full surety of fund sources and destinations.


We ensure we comply with all tax laws in the jurisdictions where we work and operate. We have a firm anti-tax avoidance policy and do not support tax evasion or the facilitation of that through our organisation or on behalf of our clients, suppliers or stakeholders.


We always ensure we are complaint with any applicable sanctions at all times. It is essential the company and its stakeholders, customers and suppliers uphold the highest standards of compliance with the laws as written or altered by any applicable government.


We recognise that bribery and corruption have a detrimental effect on communities wherever they occur. Ingrained corrupt practices can threaten the fabric of society by undermining laws, democratic processes and basic human freedoms, leading to the impoverishment of states and damaging trade and competition. Corruption is often associated with organised crime, money laundering and on occasions the financing of terrorism. It is our policy to maintain the highest level of ethical standards in the conduct of our business affairs and we have a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption.

Legal Requirements

We commit to always comply with all the laws of any jurisdiction where we operate, perform work, or transact. In terms of anti-corruption legislation, we will extend the highest principles of the applicable laws into all the territories of execution, operation, and transaction. This compliance expectation extends to the conduct of our client, employees, suppliers and stakeholders.


Our business is built around the preservation of our own proprietary concepts and knowledge. We seek to protect these rights when they are being used in the course of our business and we ensure that where information, data, trade secrets or ideas are shared with us by others, that we take the same level of care as we would with our own information at all times.

Industry Bodies

Our activity participates in the wider energy industry and our aim is to be at the forefront of technology, standards development and compliance. Our vision is to drive higher levels of safety and support the industry in the transition to a low carbon future. Our focus on innovation means we’re ideally placed to continue this support, not only in the traditional hydrocarbon sector, but also as the industry transitions to more sustainable energy supplies.


As a provider of products and services to the global energy industry, the early reputation of STATS was built on innovation, value and fast response. These qualities remain key features of the company philosophy and are applied in conjunction with an Integrated Management System to meet the expectations of a modern competitive business environment.


Membership of the First Point Assessment initiative and being First Point Verified enables participating clients to confirm HSE, technical capabilities and prior performance while simplifying the procurement process.

Quality, health, safety and environmental (QHSE) matters are of primary importance to the management of STATS Group. Our commitment to Quality, Health, Safety and Environment is underlined by the continual development of our accredited systems: ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018. We ensure all employees are charged with promoting and sustaining a culture in which QHSE is integral to everything we do.

Download Certificate of Registration

Corporate Policy Statement

STATS Group aim to not only satisfy, but exceed our clients’ expectations by providing a quality service in a manner that prevents harm to people and the environment.

To consistently meet the commitments stated in our policy, STATS Group has established a defined organisational structure which supports a framework of performance standards and documented processes relating to the company’s management of Quality, Health, Safety and Environmental (QHSE) issues.

View our Corporate Policy Statement

Life-Saving Rules

We have adopted the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP) Life-Saving Rules. This simplified set of Life-Saving Rules was created to provide workers in the industry with the actions they can take to protect themselves and their colleagues from fatalities. IOGP’s vision of success is for the whole industry to adopt IOGP’s Life-Saving Rules.

IOGP’s Life-Saving Rules:

  • Enables better transfer of knowledge, experience and lessons learned
  • Increases individual awareness ownership of critical safeguards that prevent fatalities
  • Is a step towards an industry-wide common safety language
  • Allows for ease of implementation and consistent use by contractors and operators

The Life-Saving Rules aim to help with industry standardisation and learning to eliminate fatalities within the workplace.

View the Life-Saving Rules

Terms & Conditions

Click on the links below to download a copy of our Terms and Conditions

Purchase Order Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions for Sale, Rental, and Services

For further information, please email: sales@statsgroup.com