24” Remote Tecno Plug | Marnock ETAP Spur Line, Central North Sea, UK

STATS Group has successfully isolated a 24” oil export line on BP’s Marnock Eastern Trough Area Project spur line located in the Central North Sea to allow the replacement of a 16” valve.

STATS deployed its 24” Remote Tecno Plug to isolate a pressure of 60 Bar providing safe working conditions to allow valve replacement activities. Once set the primary and secondary seal tests were carried out using full isolation pressure.

The pressure between the primary and secondary seals was monitored throughout the isolation, ensuring safety critical double block isolation. With the valve replaced and Tecno Plug continuing to maintain isolation, a 24” extended body in-line weld test tool was installed through the launcher to straddle the 16” tee. The test tool was then set to carry out the reinstatement and leak test of the 16” branch and valve.

Remote Tecno Plug isolating pipeline pressure of 60 Bar allowing valve changeout

24” Remote Tecno Plug isolating pipeline pressure of 60 Bar allowing valve changeout


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